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contoh kalimat uefa european under-21 championship

"uefa european under-21 championship" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The team, nicknamed La Rojita (The Little Red ), competes in the biennial UEFA European Under-21 Championship.
    Tim yang dijuluki La Rojita (Si Merah Kecil), bersaing di ajang dua tahunan Kejuaraan Sepak Bola U-21 Eropa UEFA.
  • He was part of the Italy team which won consecutive UEFA European Under-21 Championships in 1994 and 1996.
    Dia adalah bagian dari tim Italia yang memenangkan gelar Kejuaraan Eropa U-21 berturut-turut pada tahun 1994 dan 1996.
  • On 10 October, he scored a hat-trick for England under-21s against San Marino during 2015 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification.
    Pada 10 Oktober, ia mencetak hat-trick untuk Inggris U21 melawan San Marino ketika kualifikasi 2015 UEFA European Under-21 Championship.
  • On 27 February 2014, Lascelles received his first under-21 call-up for the 2015 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualifying match against Wales.
    Pada tanggal 27 februari 2014, Lascelles di panggil untuk U-21 kualifikasi UEFA European Under-21 Championship 2015 di pertandingan melawan Wales.
  • The draw for the group stage of qualifying for the 2013 UEFA European Under-21 Championship took place on 3 February in Nyon, Switzerland.
    Pengundian untuk babak penyisihan grup kualifikasi Kejuaraan Sepak Bola U-21 Eropa UEFA 2013 berlangsung pada 3 Februari di Nyon, Swiss.
  • In June 2017, he was included in the Italy under-21 squad for the 2017 UEFA European Under-21 Championship by manager Di Biagio.
    Pada Juni 2017, ia termasuk dalam skuat Italia U-21 untuk Kejuaraan Sepak Bola Eropa U-21 UEFA 2017 oleh manajer Di Biagio.
  • When he was 17, he was called up to the under-21 team in September 2009, during the 2011 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification campaign.
    Ketika ia berumur 17 tahun, dia dipanggil ke tim u-21 bulan September 2009, pada laga kualifikasi UEFA European Under-21 Championship 2011 .
  • Kane was named in the England under-21 squad for the 2015 UEFA European Under-21 Championship in the Czech Republic, despite opposition from his club manager Mauricio Pochettino.
    Kane masuk skuat Inggris U21 pada UEFA European Under-21 Championship 2015 di Republik Ceko, meski ditentang oleh manajer klub Mauricio Pochettino.
  • Ahead of the 2009 UEFA European Under-21 Championship, Macheda was named in Italy's preliminary 40-man squad; however, he was ultimately not named in the final 23-man squad.
    Pada kejuaraan UEFA Under-21 Championship 2009, Macheda terpilih dalam 40 orang skuat preeliminasi Italia, namun, namun dia gagal masuk ke dalam 23 orang skuat akhir.
  • Internationally, Dahoud has represented Germany at U18, U19 and U21 level, and was part of the U21 side which won the UEFA European Under-21 Championship in 2017.
    Secara internasional, Dahoud telah mewakili Jerman di tingkat U18, U19 dan U21, dan merupakan bagian dari tim U-21 yang memenangkan UEFA European Under-21 Championship pada 2017.
  • Although Lindel?f was not named in the final squad for the UEFA European Under-21 Championship, on 15 June 2015 he replaced defender Emil Krafth who was ruled out of the tournament after a back injury.
    Meskipun Lindel?f tidak didaftarkan pada skuat final Kejuaraan Sepak Bola U-21 Eropa UEFA tahun 2015, pada tanggal 15 Juni 2015, Ia menggantikan pemain belakang Emil Krafth yang tidak bisa bermain akibat cedera punggung.
  • He was then named in Stuart Pearce's original 23-man squad for the 2009 UEFA European Under-21 Championship in Sweden on 27 May, but he had to pull out of the squad on 31 May, due to an injury.
    Ia kemudian masuk dalam skuat 23-orang Stuart Pearce untuk UEFA Eropa Football Championship 2009 U-21 di Swedia pada tanggal 27 Mei, tetapi ia harus menarik diri dari skuat pada 31 Mei, karena cedera.
  • He featured in qualification matches for the 2007 UEFA European Under-21 Championship and appeared as a starter and substitute in the first leg and second leg, respectively, of the team's surprising defeat to Israel in the qualifying playoffs.
    Ia tampil di babak kualifikasi kejuaraan selanjutnya pada 2007 dan tampil sebagai starter dan pemain cadangan di leg pertama dan kedua, dan tim itu dikejutkan dengan kekalahan dari Israel di babak play-off kualifikasi.
  • However, in 2016 he switched allegiances to the Turkish Football Federation, with his father having to sign Emre's citizenship papers from his prison cell, and was called up to the Turkey U21 team, in a 2017 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification match against the Slovakia U21.
    Namun, pada tahun 2016 ia pindah ke Federasi Sepak bola turki, mengikuti kewarganegaraan bapaknya, Ia bergabung dengan tim Turki U21, 2017 kualifikasi UEFA European Under-21 Championship melawan Slovakia U21.